Noreen Heyde
Noreen lost her cancer battle and passed away on June 3, 2015 surrounded by her loving family. BTB was honored to support Noreen and her family during her battle and remember her fondly during each annual event.
Here's what was written about Noreen for our 2015 event! I’d like to tell you a little about my amazing sister Noreen Heyde. Noreen is one of the most selfless, caring persons I know. She has been through an unbelievably difficult eleven years living with cancer but she has handled it with grace, dignity and love. Noreen was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003. Her children were 5, 10 and 12 when she was diagnosed. She underwent a double mastectomy, radiation and chemo. Noreen is the the sole care taker for the children and now rents a home in Mt. Prospect, a mile from my mother’s home. As a side note, my mother’s breast cancer re-occurred after 15 years this past spring. She was sidelined for a bit, but is back to helping Noreen and the kids with laundry, meals, yard work and various other errands! She’s an amazing 83 years “young” woman. Noreen gets it honestly! In 2009, Noreen's cancer returned and is now in her bones. She has been on chemo almost continuously since then. She has worked full time and raised three incredible children. She never let them use her cancer as an excuse not to do what was expected of them. Exhausted, she would come home from work and fix meals, help with homework, shuffle the kids to activities, and support them in the many activities and sports they participated in. Today, her children are 23, 21 and 17. |
Caroline, her eldest, graduated from DePauw University in 2013 and now lives in Chicago, working for Pepsico. Blake is 21 and is a senior at Northwestern. He earned an Evans scholarship and has a job lined up for next June, after graduation. Alec is 17 and is a junior at Prospect High School. He is her social butterfly and is involved in cross country and track. He is quite good and went to state last year with the cross country team. Alec doesn’t remember his mother not having cancer. They have done without extras in their lives. Noreen’s medical bills, along with raising a family left little for extras. However, you will not meet more extraordinary children! They are self-sufficient (many days when Noreen could not get out of bed they got themselves up, made lunches and got themselves to school), caring, and hard-working young adults.
Noreen has handled all of this with such grace and poise. She’s never said “why me”? She has lost her hair countless times, sat in doctor’s offices more times than I can count, endured many rounds of chemo and still she finds time to help others. Her cancer is now in her brain. She finally had to take a medical leave from her job this past July, another financial blow. She is in constant pain and went through another round of radiation this past summer. She recently began a very intensive chemo therapy regimen and has dropped below 100 pounds. Noreen continues to “defy the odds” and we are so grateful for her positive attitude and determination. She is a true inspiration to anyone facing challenges and I am so proud to call her my sister and my friend.
Warmest regards,
Alison M. Heyde
Noreen has handled all of this with such grace and poise. She’s never said “why me”? She has lost her hair countless times, sat in doctor’s offices more times than I can count, endured many rounds of chemo and still she finds time to help others. Her cancer is now in her brain. She finally had to take a medical leave from her job this past July, another financial blow. She is in constant pain and went through another round of radiation this past summer. She recently began a very intensive chemo therapy regimen and has dropped below 100 pounds. Noreen continues to “defy the odds” and we are so grateful for her positive attitude and determination. She is a true inspiration to anyone facing challenges and I am so proud to call her my sister and my friend.
Warmest regards,
Alison M. Heyde